

SHU孔院办 爱尔兰科克孔院 2021-03-07

ShangHai University

ShangHai University





Application Guide for International Chinese 

Language  Teachers Scholarship of 

Shanghai University in 2021


Studying in Shanghai University




资助对象Funding target


Non-Chinese nationals;


According to the Ministry of education of China, the Chinese mainland, HongKong, Macao and Taiwan residents who have been emigrated to foreign countries as applicants for foreign applicants must hold valid foreign passports or nationality certificates for 4 years or more, and have lived abroad for more than 2 years in the past 4 years (up to April 30, 2020). They can live 1 months in 1 years in real life abroad for 9 months. (subject to the entry and exit signatures).


Physical and mental health, good character and learning;


Interested in engaging in Chinese education, teaching and related work;

4.年龄为 16-35 周岁(统一以2021年9月1日计)。在职中文教师放宽至 45 周岁,本科奖学金申请者一般不超过25 周岁。

The age is 16-35 years old (unified on September 1, 2021).Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers shall not be over 45, while undergraduate student applicants  shall not be over 25.



Funding content and qualifications


The contents of the scholarship include:tuition, accommodation, living expenses (except four week study students) and comprehensive medical insurance.

1. 孔子学院奖学金生的学费由上海大学负责,学费不包含教材费和汉语实践中的旅游景点门票。Shanghai University is responsible for the tuition fees of the scholarship students of Confucius Institute. The tuition fee does not include the cost of teaching materials and the tickets of tourist attractions in Chinese practice.

2.孔子学院奖学金生的住宿费由上海大学负责,为学生提供免费宿舍,一般为双人间。Shanghai University is responsible for the accommodation expenses of the scholarship students of Confucius Institute. It provides students with free dormitories, usually double rooms.

3.孔子学院奖学金生的生活费由上海大学按月发放。本科生、一学年和一学期研修生标准为 2500 元人民币/月;汉语国际教育专业硕士生为 3000 元人民币/月。The living expenses of Confucius Institute Scholarship students are paid by Shanghai University on a monthly basis. The standard for undergraduates, one academic year and one semester students is 2500 yuan RMB/ one month; for master students majoring in Chinese international education, it is 3000 yuan RM/ one month.


The scholarship students shall register according to the time specified in the acceptance notice of the receiving institution, otherwise they will be disqualified from the scholarship. Those who register before the 15th day of the current month (including the 15th day) will pay full living expenses in the current month; those who register after the 15th day will pay half monthly living expenses in the current month.


Scholarship students who leave China for more than 15 days due to personal reasons during the semester (excluding winter and summer vacation) will not be paid the living expenses during the period of leaving China.


For scholarship students who suspend or drop out of school for personal reasons or are subject to disciplinary action by the receiving institution, the living expenses from the date of suspension or drop out or receiving the notice of disciplinary action shall be suspended.


The living expenses of graduates will be paid to half a month after the graduation date determined by the school.

4.孔子学院奖学金生的综合医疗保险费参照中国教育部来华留学有关规定执行,由上海大学统一购买。四周研修生标准为 160 元人民币/人,一学期研修生为 400 元人民币/人,一学年以上标准为 800 元人民币/年/人。The comprehensive medical insurance premium of the scholarship students of Confucius Institute shall be purchased by Shanghai University in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of education of China on studying in China. The standard for four week students is 160 yuan RMB/one person, for one semester students is 400 yuan RMB/one person, and for more than one academic year students is 800 yuan RMB / one year / one person.



Scholarship categories and application conditions

1. 汉语国际教育专业硕士研究生

Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

2021 年9月入学,资助期限为2年。

The program commences in September 2021 and provides scholarship for a maximum  two academic years.

具有大学本科学历。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(五级)210分、HSKK(中级)60 分。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。

Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree, and have a minimum score  of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching  institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.

2. 汉语国际教育专业本科生

Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)

2021 年9月入学,资助期限为4年。

The program commences in September 2021 and provides scholarship for a maximum of  four academic years.

具有高中学历。汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(四级)210 分、HSKK(中级)60 分。

Applicants shall hold a senior high school diploma and a minimum  score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 4) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). 


Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study

2021 年9月入学,资助期限为11个月。不录取在华留学生。

The program commences in September 2021, and provides scholarship for a maximum of  eleven months. International students currently studying in China are not eligible.

汉语国际教育方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)270分,具有 HSKK 成绩;

TCSOL Applicants shall have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK test (Level 3), and  an HSKK test score is required;

汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学等方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(四级)180 分、HSKK(中级)60 分;

Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, etc. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4) and 60 on  the HSKK test (Intermediate Level);

汉语研修方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)210 分,提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。

Chinese Language Study Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3). Priority  will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.


Scholarship for One-Semester Study

2021 年9月、2021 年3月入学,资助期限为5个月。不录取护照上有 X1、X2 签证者。

The program commences either in September 2021 or March 2021, and provides  scholarship of a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not  eligible.

汉语国际教育 、汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学等方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)180 分,具有 HSKK 成绩。

Chinese International Education, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, etc., with a score of 180 in the HSK test (Level 3) and an HSKK score.

5. 四周研修生

Scholarship for Four-Week Study 

2020 年7月或12月入学,资助期限为4周。不录取护照上有 X1、X2 签证者。

The program commences either in July or December 2021, and provides a fourweek scholarship. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible. 

汉语言+中国家庭体验、孔子学院专项四周生方向,具有 HSK成绩。可由孔子学院组团进行报名,并事先联系接收院校确定在华学习计划,提前报总部审批,每团10-15 人。

Chinese Study, Chinese Language  plus Home-Stay Experience in a Chinese Family, Special Four-week Program for  Confucius Institutes An HSK test score is required. The program may be organized and applied for by a  recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group.


申请材料Application materials


Proof materials related to all applicants:


A scanned copy of the passport photo page.

(2)HSK、HSKK 成绩报告(有效期两年)扫描件。

A scanned copy of HSK and HSKK score reports (valid for two years).

(3)推荐机构负责人的推荐信。Recommendation letter from the person in charge of the recommending institution.

2. 与学历生有关的证明材料:

Proof materials related to degree students:


(1) Provide the highest education certificate (expected graduation certificate) and school transcript.


(2) The master of Chinese international education should provide the recommendation letters of two or more tutors with the title of associate professor or above. It is preferred to provide financial assistance to those who plan to work in the teaching institutions after graduation.

3. 在职中文教师须附上就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信。

The in-service Chinese teachers should attach the in-service certificate and recommendation letter issued by the employment organization.

4. 未满 18 周岁的申请者,须提交在华监护人署名的委托证明文件。

Applicants under the age of 18 must submit a certificate of entrustment signed by their guardian in China.


1. 申请材料中非中文或英文的文件,需附公证或发证单位的中文/英文翻译件;

Documents in the application materials that are not in Chinese or English must be attached with notarization or Chinese/English translation of the issuing unit;

2. 材料申请时仅需要上传电子文件(PDF 或JPG格式),开学报到时需提供原件备查;

Only the electronic files (PDF or JPG format) need to be uploaded when applying for materials, and the originals must be provided for reference when the journal is opened;

3. 不接受纸质申请材料。

Paper application materials are not accepted.


申请流程 Application process


Online registration will be available from March 1, 2021 on the International Chinese Language  Teachers Scholarship application website (cis.chinese.cn).

1. 登录奖学金网站,在线提交申请材料;

Log in to the scholarship website and submit the application materials online;

 2. 推荐单位审核申请材料;

Recommend the unit to review the application materials;

 3. 上海大学审核申请材料,并对符合标准的申请人进行视频面试;

Shanghai University reviews the application materials and conducts video interviews for the applicants who meet the standards;

4. 孔子学院总部委托专家组集中评审:根据 HSK、HSK考分和级别,兼顾国别等因素择优资助,于入学前约3个月完成奖学金评审工作,公布评审结果。

The Confucius Institute Headquarters entrusts an expert group to conduct centralized evaluation: according to HSK, HSK scores and grades, and taking into account factors such as country, the scholarship evaluation will be completed about 3 months before enrollment, and the evaluation results will be announced.

5. 申请者关注申请进程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果;

Applicants pay attention to the application process, review opinions and scholarship evaluation results;

6. 上海大学对预录取的申请者发放入学通知书;

Shanghai University will issue admission notices to applicants who are pre admitted;

7. 预录取的申请者可按照入学通知书上的要求,在规定时间内前往上海大学报到。

Applicants for pre admission can report to Shanghai University within the specified time according to the requirements of the admission notice.



Deadline (subject to Beijing time)


For programs commencing in July, student application must complete before April 10th; 


For programs commencing in September, student application must complete before May 10th;


For programs commencing in December, student application must complete before September 10th;

4.2021年 3月入学:学生申请截止日期为11月10日。

For programs commencing in March 2022, student application must complete before November 10th; 



About Chinese Bridge Winners


Those who have obtained the 2020 "Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate" in various Chinese Bridge competitions should log in to the International Chinese Teacher Scholarship (Confucius Institute Scholarship) website and submit application materials with the scholarship certificate.




Office of Confucius Institute Affairs,Shanghai University

通讯地址:中国上海市宝山区上大路 99 号上海大学行政楼2楼204

Address:Shangda Road No.99, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China


Post code:200444  






Contact person:JinQi






其他Other matters


Applicants must understand the specific enrollment requirements and deadlines of the target host colleges, and submit application materials in accordance with relevant regulations.


Degree students are subject to the annual assessment according to the Annual Appraisal  Procedures of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. 


Those who fail to register on time, fail to pass the health assessment, drop out midway  and/or are suspended from school will be deprived of their scholarship.


宣讲视频Presentation Video


图文| 彭亚男

编辑| 王洁琼

审核| 金   祺




